In this picture we are magnifying into the termites guts to find the protozoa.
In this picture you can see the protazoas, cytoplasm and particles.
A symbiotic relationship is an association of organisms in a benificial relationship.
The benefits of a symbiotic are that the protazoas get a home to live in the termites gut, and it receives food from the wood that termites eat.
First we grabbed the termites head and thorax with the forceps.
Second we took one of the forceps and pulled the termites gut out of its anus.
Third we placed the termites gut in the saline solution on the microscope slide and press carefully on the cover slide to release the protozoa from its gut.
Then we observe the protozoa though the microscope using different magnifications.
I thought this lab was interesting and how you can see the protazoas in the scope moving so clearly.